Our Business Change Management Services

Afiniti’s wide-ranging portfolio of business change management services enables organisations to embed new behaviours and ways of working to realise benefits in complex and challenging environments.

Shaping for change

With an intentional drive to develop internal capabilityequipping leadersco-creating and producing sustainable change, we have one purpose in mind: to equip your people to take ownership and accountability for their change.

We work alongside you as your change partner, augmenting and aligning the internal team from day one with our award-winning expertise.

We work with you to articulate a clear vision and objective for change, establishing what drives and motivates people in your organisation. Without a people focus on change – how they operate currently and how they will operate in the future state – you cannot fully realise the benefits of a programme. It’s the people in your organisation who will ultimately leadadopt and sustain change and form the bedrock of how the future organisation operates.

Readiness for change

Failure to prepare and embed a strategy for designing and managing change means a shared purpose is not created and benefits are not identified and realised.

At Afiniti, we use our 6Lever™ change readiness assessment tool to uncover where you are now, establish the rationale for change, what needs to be done to accelerate change and most importantly make it sustainable. Then, we co-create change management process, establish change infrastructure, tools and methodology to minimise risk and boost efficiency and benefits realisation.

We understand that no two businesses are the same. We work with you to establish a foundation for a uniform approach to delivering change, underpinned by proven change management interventions, that fit the precise needs of your business.

Delivering successful change

Your people are the most important part of your organisation. Without their skills, understanding and support, your business cannot adapt. At Afiniti, we focus on increasing business change capability by putting people at the heart.

Through strategic engagement and communication campaigns, we work with you to tell a compelling story of your business and its future. Our communication plans create emotional buy-in from your stakeholders and equip your people to lead change. We support every step of the journey, ensuring your people feel a sense belonging and that they actively part of the change. We do this by bringing your project to life through a creative identity, helping push values and messages that create a meaningful journey, and Make Change Stick.

Embedding change

At Afiniti, we monitor and measure the impact of engagement and communications throughout your project to make sure they are working and will deliver sustainable change and business benefits.

As a result of our campaigns, organisations see big increases in engagement scores, increased contribution from their people and consistently high feedback. Targets for change adoption have been significantly exceeded and behaviours have been embedded in the long term.

Through analysis, design, delivery and evaluation, we close the gap between your best-case objectives and the reality.

Practical experts in people change, we immerse ourselves in the work we undertake, getting to know our clients’ culture, vision and desired business outcomes. Armed with this knowledge we put people at the heart of what matters most, equipping them to take ownership and drive their change from within; whilst supporting them through the transition.
Corrina Jorgensen, Managing Partner

Frequently Asked Business Change Questions

Business change management is the approach an organisation takes to transition from their existing state to a future desired state. It requires careful planning and alignment on objectives, targeted change interventions to engage people with the change, and actions to help embed the new state. Reasons for change vary greatly, but might include improving processes, implementing new technologies or complying with new regulations.

At some point, all organisations must change in order to keep pace with competitors and adapt to external influences. Organisations that are proactive about business change and with more mature change management are able to more rapidly and effectively embed their change, enabling them to minimise disruption and maximise employee morale and change adoption.

Business change starts with leaders, who shape their strategy for change. Then, the organisation must ensure impacted people are ready to adopt the change, for example through change readiness assessments. This stage will inform the next, which is delivering the change, using targeted communications to inform and engage people. Finally, organisations must ensure their change is fully embedded and won’t revert to the old state.

To manage change effectively, businesses need to leverage highly specialised change management skillsets. In change-mature organisations, these skills might exist internally. Alternatively, specialist change partners can be brought in to help embed the change. In either case, Afiniti strongly believes that putting people at the heart of the change is the most effective way to deliver it.

The business change manager is responsible for delivering the required change. They should oversee the entire change lifecycle, from shaping and planning the change to seeing it delivered and ensuring it’s embedded. They may be an internal person with specialist change management skills, or an external expert. It’s important to have a dedicated business change manager, as other colleagues might not be able to commit to managing change completely if they have other BAU (business as usual) priorities.

Businesses adapt to change with varying techniques and success. In order to maximise the ability to adapt to change, organisations need to build a change-ready culture. This is achieved by engaging people with the change, building internal change capability and being proactive and agile when it comes to implementing change.

Demographic changes are one of the biggest external influences on businesses, often requiring them to change themselves. For example, as new generations enter the workforce, they bring different skillsets, expectations and technologies. In order to capitalise on these, businesses may need to change their own processes, systems or offerings to remain competitive among customers and talent.

Technological change is one of the biggest drivers of business change. As new technologies are introduced to improve efficiency, productivity and knowledge, businesses need to adapt to capitalise on these new tools and remain competitive. We are seeing this at the moment with the growth of AI, which is driving organisations to onboard new skills and alter existing roles to make the most of this new technology.

To adapt to technological change, business need to also change people, processes, systems and data maximise the opportunities the new technology provides. When a major technology implementation will impact thousands of employees, they must adopt the new tools and associated ways of working in order for the technology to be truly embedded, otherwise its benefits won’t be fully realised.

When a business undergoes a significant amount of change for a long period of time, its people may undergo change fatigue. People enjoy certainty and assurance in their jobs, so frequent change can create discomfort that impacts morale, productivity and retention. In order to reduce change fatigue, any changes made should be meaningful, and considerate and should make it obvious what the benefits will be for the impacted people.

Cloud computing has driven one of the biggest technological changes in business. The ability to share and access information from anywhere in a secure way has led to changes in where and how people work, and how businesses make strategic decisions. The move to cloud computing is itself a major change for any business, requiring dedicated change management to ensure people are taken on the journey. Find out more about how Afiniti can help with this here.

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